Sunday, January 1, 2012

More Presents

 For my love one. ;)



Packed a few boxes of chocolates as a small token of gift exchange with my uni friends. There were Kisses, Mars bar and Toblerone chocolates. All the sweetest chocolates for my sweetest friends!

In exchange, one of the present i got was diabetic-friendly chocolates! I and my marketing group members did our final semester project on Cacao7 and the lady boss still remembers us when my friend went to buy chocolates from her. haha.. i totally laugh out loud when he gave us the box of chocolates. It wasn't a nightmare but more like a funny moment. Gonna miss those days with them.

Anyway, its 2012 already and i have many things left undone before i start work on Tuesday. The number 1 problem is: I haven't pack my working clothes out of the other wardrobe to put in my current one. =/

I really hope 2012 will be as good as 2011. ;)


Yummy chocolates! :)

All the best on the new job. Have a fabulous 2012!

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